To all my friends around the world
We would be honored if you could read the lyrics of both the Japanese and English versions of the song along
with the sounds of DJ KRUSH's "Michi - Story-".
To everyone at Team KRUSH, and to Dr. Y. (for translation assistance)
I would like to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart. - sibitt
『云/鬼 呼 生 - たま〽よび〽いく - 』DJ KRUSH feat.志人
リリックの日本語版と英訳版“SOUL / CALL / FORTH” - TAMA / YOBI / IKU -をPDFで閲覧とダウンロードが出来るようになりました。
You can now view and download the Japanese and English translations of the lyrics of
“SOUL / CALL / FORTH” - TAMA / YOBI / IKU - DJ KRUSH feat. sibitt
Digital distribution and streaming is at the link below.
The PDFs are presented in a format that fully captures the sibitt's thoughts and feelings,
without losing the worldview of the lyrics in terms of line breaks, character arrangement, etc.
We invite you to recite the lyrics and explore the deep world of “SOUL / CALL / FORTH” - TAMA / YOBI / IKU - DJ KRUSH feat. sibitt
Both the Japanese version and the English translation may be full of new discoveries.
You can view and download the Japanese and English translations of the lyrics at the links below.
↓ 下記リンク先にて日本語版と英訳版の歌詩が閲覧&ダウンロード出来ます。 ↓
「云/鬼 呼 生 - たま〽よび〽いく -」リリック
本作の歌詩を詠んで頂き、DJ KRUSHと志人の紡ぐ『云/鬼 呼 生 - たま よび いく - 』の奥深い世界を探検してみませんか?
というご提案を頂きましたTeam KRUSHの皆様からのメッセージです。 ↓
The song "SOUL/CALL/FORTH" by DJ KRUSH feat. Sibitt is included in KRUSH's recently released new series "道-STORY-." I have told you in various media that I hope you will read the lyrics and sublimate the world of the words that Sibitt pursues. However, while vinyl includes a lyric card, it's not available for digital listeners. So we talked to Sibitt and asked him to create a special lyrics page. The lyrics are not only in Japanese, but also in English, translated by Sibitt himself. If you listen to the song while reading the lyrics, you will experience the depth of the song even more. Considering the state of the world we live in today, I want many people to feel the world of this song.
先日リリースしたKRUSHの新シリーズ「道―STORY―」の中に収録されているDJ KRUSH feat.志人の「云/鬼 呼 生 - たま
いく -」に関してですが、様々なメディアで是非歌詞カードを読んで志人の追求する言葉の世界を各々が昇華させて欲しいとお伝えしてきました。しかしアナログには歌詞カードが入っていますが、デジタルでお聴きの方はそれが出来ないので志人と話をして歌詞の特設ページを作ってもらいました。日本語だけでなく本人が訳した英語版もあります。志人が想いを乗せた一言一言…リリックを読みながら曲を聴いていただけるとより一層この曲の奥深さを体験できると思います。こんな時代だからこそ多くの人に感じて欲しい世界です。